Phillipe visited me last week and brought me some of his spurs along. They are very strong build, but to small for ****s above 4 Kg. I am interested in making these spurs for bigger ****s, but i wonder if anybody is interested in sharing the costs to devellop them ?
Hello Frank, Philippe told me that these spurcaps are made of ABS plastic. Very durable but relative expensive. The questio now is - what are the costs to make them for the heavyweight class ? You need a proforma offer to get some overview in the cost of developing these. Another possibility is to cast some yourself from epoxy resin (epoxy hars).
Regards, Willem
PS: Frank ik zal eens wat info vragen bij de lokale modelbouw winkel, misschien kun je dit ook bij jullie doen. Het gieten van epoxy hars schijnt niet zo moeilijk te zijn en het is supersterk. Dus peperduur ABS is denk ik overbodig !
JJbel, yes that would be the same spurs. These are very strong, but indeed very expensive !
Willem i'll look into it, but i would be glad if some other people did this to, so we can find the easiest and cheapest way to make these spurs for our ****s.
I had 2 pairs of the ones posted in sent to me. I received them yesterday, very strong, and the ones I received would be suitable for larger birds. There not that long, but I dont think you need soulsearchers, I was reasonably happy with them.
I had a couple pairs sent to me from Pierre in Brazil. They are well made and do the job well. There is a limit to the size of natural Spur they will cover though.
I guess that is due to the smaller size of the 'Brazilian type' Shamos. I recommend them from Pierre and he is honest.
I guess it would be nice to have some kind of 'Glove' which has various sizes to fit the sizes of Spur on each Bird.
Philippe, Willen, I think you both have the plastic brasilian spurs, but if not, i can send some spurs to you take a look - FREE. Here, there are tow guys that make them, one of them have better quality. Price is very cheap. Well, i m ready to help everyone. c ya