Welcome in the ****boxing world! I have to thank first Willem for hosting my dream here! Before I had already had the pleasure to be hosted by Frank on his site, shamo-prefecture and by Yellowspurs on his site, ganoi.com. Here I will introduce you to ****boxing, a sport with a future. And this for two main reasons: first it looks much like human English boxing, a sport well known and accepted all over the world. Second, with boxing spurs, no lucky blow. The best bird wins. I hope you will be many to share my dream!
Hello Jibel, I would like to plan the meetings for next year. But it is too early. First I wait and see how the chicken flu problem will occur this winter in Europe. If there was no chicken flu problem, the month of March would be fine for me. But on this year, French pits were allowed to open in May. It was a bad year for the pit owners.
Its understandable with the birdflu problem, that no dates as yet can be set. But lets all hope and keep our fingers crossed that it doesnt rear its ugly head again.